1 | Pierreclaud Samuel | 00:18:33 | US Police Macon | 78 |
2 | Pack Frédéric | 00:19:07 | Sél nationale Matériel Ar | 17 |
3 | Ribeiro Michel | 00:19:08 | Platrerie Rollet Daniel | 1 |
4 | Chevaux Christophe | 00:19:33 | Viticulteurs des côtes du | 50 |
5 | Renard Frédéric | 00:19:37 | Sél nationale Matériel Ar | 17 |
6 | Mazenot Olivier | 00:19:43 | Quarkium Industry | 72 |
7 | Visciano Martial | 00:19:44 | Dalkia | 39 |
8 | Zablocki Eric | 00:19:56 | Viticulteurs des côtes du | 50 |
9 | Bourgeois Dimitri | 00:19:59 | Dalkia | 39 |
10 | Lelièvre Romain | 00:20:05 | Viticulteurs des côtes du | 50 |
11 | Gallo Antoine | 00:20:12 | Viticulteurs des côtes du | 50 |
12 | Voisin Lucas | 00:20:16 | Quarkium Industry | 72 |
13 | Monterrat Alexis | 00:20:21 | Novalimit | 73 |
14 | Pompanon Jean-Pierre | 00:20:31 | Viticulteurs des côtes du | 50 |
15 | Colombo Geoffrey | 00:20:35 | Dalkia | 39 |
16 | Duranton Nicolas | 00:20:43 | Sél nationale Matériel Ar | 17 |
17 | Beaufils Bruno | 00:20:51 | Sél nationale Matériel Ar | 17 |
18 | Raquin Cyrille | 00:20:52 | Charlieu One | 35 |
19 | Cottancin Pascal | 00:20:57 | CPC Durand Hyper Buro | 66 |
20 | Vernusse Luc-Alain | 00:20:59 | Dalkia | 39 |
21 | Rousset Vincent | 00:21:03 | Quarkium Industry | 72 |
22 | Duriaud Guillaume | 00:21:04 | Quarkium Industry | 72 |
23 | Cordier Christophe | 00:21:05 | Laboratoire OENO Service | 25 |
24 | Clément Thibaut | 00:21:08 | Sél nationale Matériel Ar | 17 |
25 | Pailloux Simon | 00:21:10 | Dalkia | 39 |
26 | Quinton Cyril | 00:21:16 | Quarkium Industry | 72 |
27 | Allali Nasser | 00:21:17 | Quarkium Industry | 72 |
28 | Comte Jérémy | 00:21:18 | Fonderie de Matour | 54 |
29 | Vink Nicolas | 00:21:24 | Dalkia | 39 |
30 | Quiquandon Jacques | 00:21:26 | Viticulteurs des côtes du | 50 |
31 | Chatem Nassar | 00:21:27 | Platrerie Rollet Daniel | 1 |
32 | Chardin Frédéric | 00:21:32 | Sél nationale Matériel Ar | 17 |
33 | Sallet Pierre | 00:21:41 | Novalimit | 73 |
34 | Yvorel Pascal | 00:21:44 | AS Mérieux 1 | 30 |
35 | Tissot Olivier | 00:21:47 | USO Oyonnax | 3 |
36 | Nony David | 00:22:00 | Novalimit | 73 |
37 | Bajard Mathieu | 00:22:01 | Laboratoire OENO Service | 25 |
38 | Seurat Philippe | 00:22:03 | AS Mérieux 1 | 30 |
39 | Brun Eric | 00:22:11 | Photowatt 1 | 51 |
40 | Cavillon Nicolas | 00:22:14 | USO Oyonnax | 3 |
41 | Videlo Philippe | 00:22:15 | EAM Sport 2000 | 45 |
42 | Renaud Jean Daniel | 00:22:18 | Laboratoire OENO Service | 25 |
43 | Rigomier Alain | 00:22:20 | Actaris 1 | 47 |
44 | Thimonnier Frédéric | 00:22:20 | Charlieu One | 35 |
45 | Pinto Manuel | 00:22:22 | Platrerie Rollet Daniel | 1 |
46 | Prevost Alain | 00:22:23 | EAM Sport 2000 | 45 |
47 | Jouffroy Clément | 00:22:24 | US Police Macon | 78 |
48 | Perez Laurent | 00:22:29 | USO Oyonnax | 3 |
49 | Bertrand Frédéric | 00:22:29 | Viriat Marathon 1 | 55 |
50 | Bonin Arnaud | 00:22:31 | Parc Acrobath | 2 |
51 | Immediato Raphaël | 00:22:32 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 33 |
52 | Joly Michel | 00:22:33 | Fonderie de Matour | 54 |
53 | Mome Jean Philippe | 00:22:38 | Platrerie Rollet Daniel | 1 |
54 | Callard Didier | 00:22:38 | CPC Durand Hyper Buro | 66 |
55 | Dubost Raphaël | 00:22:38 | Charlieu One | 35 |
56 | Kling Jean Pierre | 00:22:42 | CPC Durand Hyper Buro | 66 |
57 | Meleiro Martin | 00:22:43 | US Police Macon | 78 |
58 | Michel Sébastien | 00:22:45 | Viriat Marathon 1 | 55 |
59 | Dias Da Silva Fernand | 00:22:46 | Platrerie Rollet Daniel | 1 |
60 | Guillemin Pascal | 00:22:47 | Centre Hospitalier Macon | 68 |
61 | Dury Hervé | 00:22:49 | Actaris 1 | 47 |
62 | Fontaine Jérémy | 00:22:50 | Rouy Plomberie St Etienne | 74 |
63 | Aujogue Denis | 00:22:53 | Pompiers de Macon | 46 |
64 | Ravet Eric | 00:22:54 | Photowatt 1 | 51 |
65 | Boban Thomas | 00:22:54 | USO Oyonnax | 3 |
66 | Charvet Jean Christophe | 00:22:55 | CPC Maximarché | 44 |
67 | Gorce Josselin | 00:22:56 | Sapeurs-Pompiers Louhans | 24 |
68 | Veira Sébastien | 00:22:57 | Platrerie Rollet Daniel | 1 |
69 | Bejuis Thierry | 00:22:59 | Calor Team 1 | 4 |
70 | Dupuis Aurélien | 00:23:01 | Education Nationale | 18 |
71 | Botella Marc | 00:23:03 | USO Oyonnax | 3 |
72 | Chantin Christophe | 00:23:07 | Café Richard | 75 |
73 | Broyer Stéphane | 00:23:09 | Novalimit | 73 |
74 | Desmaris Ludovic | 00:23:09 | Centre Hospitalier Macon | 68 |
75 | Brisepierre Jean Yves | 00:23:10 | Municipaux Gueugnon | 14 |
77 | Seguin Rémi | 00:23:14 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 33 |
78 | Guyot Stéphane | 00:23:17 | Municipaux Gueugnon | 14 |
79 | Boilevin Frédéric | 00:23:19 | Laboratoire OENO Service | 25 |
80 | Cinier Régis | 00:23:20 | Chalon Endurance | 80 |
81 | Long Bruno | 00:23:21 | Claas Macon | 71 |
82 | Machon Julien | 00:23:21 | Centre Hospitalier Macon | 68 |
83 | Guichard Jérôme | 00:23:21 | Ascade Hommes | 27 |
84 | Duthion Regis | 00:23:26 | USO Oyonnax | 3 |
85 | Ducros Yves | 00:23:27 | EAM Sport 2000 | 45 |
86 | Monteix Philippe | 00:23:27 | EAM Sport 2000 | 45 |
87 | Berry Didier | 00:23:33 | Ascade Hommes | 27 |
88 | Quoy Guillaume | 00:23:34 | CPC Durand Hyper Buro | 66 |
89 | Perrin Sebastien | 00:23:35 | Pompiers de Macon | 46 |
90 | Favier Pierre | 00:23:37 | Viriat Marathon 1 | 55 |
91 | Combe Martial | 00:23:39 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 33 |
92 | Paillard Didier | 00:23:43 | Municipaux Gueugnon | 14 |
93 | Lefranc Denis | 00:23:44 | Actaris 1 | 47 |
94 | Valette Louis | 00:23:47 | Eliance Mercure | 11 |
95 | Cabanel Jean Louis | 00:23:47 | Kéolis Métro | 13 |
96 | Bonnevialle François | 00:23:49 | Parc Acrobath | 2 |
97 | Marcarian Henri | 00:23:49 | Calor Team 1 | 4 |
98 | Dafflon Sylvain | 00:23:50 | Novalimit | 73 |
99 | Thivent Olivier | 00:23:55 | Actaris 1 | 47 |
100 | Marion Jean Michel | 00:23:58 | Fonderie de Matour | 54 |
101 | Coldonat Serge | 00:24:00 | Viriat Marathon 1 | 55 |
102 | Bouttier Patrick | 00:24:01 | Pompiers de Macon | 46 |
103 | Roux Patrick | 00:24:02 | Claas Macon | 71 |
104 | Galerneau Guillaume | 00:24:05 | Paul Sapin | 7 |
105 | Perrin Franck | 00:24:07 | Education Nationale | 18 |
106 | Ballandras Georges | 00:24:10 | Mille Pattes Macon 3 | 61 |
107 | Villier Pierre | 00:24:10 | Pompiers de Macon | 46 |
108 | Desgouille Yann | 00:24:14 | Laboratoire OENO Service | 25 |
109 | Gaillard André | 00:24:15 | Ecole Primaire Prissé | 22 |
110 | Charvolin Thierry | 00:24:16 | Charlieu One | 35 |
111 | Peuchot Bernard | 00:24:17 | AS Mérieux 1 | 30 |
112 | Philibert Ludovic | 00:24:19 | Fonderie de Matour | 54 |
113 | Fevre Jean Claude | 00:24:20 | Crédit Mutuel | 10 |
114 | Pores Franck | 00:24:21 | Rouy Plomberie St Etienne | 74 |
115 | Lethenet Jérome | 00:24:22 | Chalon Endurance | 80 |
116 | Bonnotte Didier | 00:24:22 | Crédit Mutuel | 10 |
117 | Poirault Didier | 00:24:25 | AS Mérieux 1 | 30 |
118 | Dosdat Jean Marc | 00:24:31 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 33 |
119 | Bouquin Christian | 00:24:35 | Crédit Mutuel | 10 |
120 | Toutan Mathieu | 00:24:38 | Pompiers Val Lamartinien | 65 |
121 | Grosbois David | 00:24:38 | ASS Imohoro | 8 |
122 | Loth Christophe | 00:24:39 | Tennis Club Cluny | 70 |
123 | Chantraine Sébastien | 00:24:40 | ASS Imohoro | 8 |
124 | Moussaoui Said | 00:24:41 | Mille Pattes Macon 1 | 58 |
125 | Talvat Jean Marie | 00:24:42 | Actaris 2 | 48 |
126 | Baudrion Alain | 00:24:44 | Municipaux Gueugnon | 14 |
127 | Martinez Guillaume | 00:24:45 | Ecole Primaire Prissé | 22 |
128 | Longueville Didier | 00:24:45 | CPC Maximarché | 44 |
129 | Delaie Philippe | 00:24:46 | Pompiers de Macon | 46 |
130 | Hagenbourger Benoit | 00:24:51 | Team FCH | 49 |
131 | Brevet Pascaline | 00:24:51 | Fil Elec | 38 |
132 | Curiot Richard | 00:24:52 | Pompiers de Macon | 46 |
133 | Nalies Laurent | 00:24:57 | Ascade Hommes | 27 |
134 | Bonnet Nicolas | 00:24:57 | Café Richard | 75 |
135 | Millet André | 00:24:57 | Café Richard | 75 |
136 | Torres Adrien | 00:25:00 | Pompiers Val Lamartinien | 65 |
137 | Jabrane Mehdi | 00:25:07 | Centre Hospitalier Macon | 68 |
138 | Lapalus Philippe | 00:25:10 | Fonderie de Matour | 54 |
139 | Burthier Jean Philippe | 00:25:12 | Areva Macon | 63 |
140 | Duchenaud Robert | 00:25:12 | Calor Team 1 | 4 |
141 | Thomas Fanny | 00:25:12 | CPC Durand Hyper Buro | 66 |
142 | Lamure Thierry | 00:25:14 | Sapeurs-Pompiers Chauffai | 62 |
143 | Raffin Jean Pierre | 00:25:15 | Bailly Sport Macon | 77 |
144 | Perrin Rémi | 00:25:18 | Bailly Sport Macon | 77 |
145 | Pazola Dariusz | 00:25:19 | Courant-Corelco 09 | 81 |
146 | Lagrange Jérôme | 00:25:20 | Mille Pattes Macon 1 | 58 |
147 | Couturier Philippe | 00:25:21 | ASS Imohoro | 8 |
148 | Hatte Sébastien | 00:25:25 | Charnay and Co | 82 |
149 | Bozonnet Franck | 00:25:25 | Viriat Marathon 1 | 55 |
150 | Ballandras Grégoire | 00:25:26 | Calor Team 1 | 4 |
151 | Colard Nathalie | 00:25:27 | Mille Pattes Macon Filles | 57 |
152 | Gaviot Blanc Marc | 00:25:28 | Calor Team 1 | 4 |
153 | Sauron Daniel | 00:25:28 | Chalon Endurance | 80 |
154 | Steinfort Sebastien | 00:25:29 | Paul Sapin | 7 |
155 | Jeantet Christine | 00:25:30 | Actaris 1 | 47 |
156 | Jambon Pierre | 00:25:30 | Bailly Sport Macon | 77 |
157 | Chassy René | 00:25:33 | Charlieu One | 35 |
158 | Viennot Joël | 00:25:33 | Mille Pattes Macon 3 | 61 |
159 | Ribeiro Auguste | 00:25:33 | Kéolis Lyon Métro | 15 |
160 | Guilloux Florent | 00:25:34 | Novalimit | 73 |
161 | Barnaud Jérôme | 00:25:34 | Crédit Mutuel | 10 |
162 | Bereziat Gérard | 00:25:36 | CIC Lyonnaise de banque | 9 |
163 | Merle Alexis | 00:25:36 | Viriat Marathon 1 | 55 |
164 | Bouchacourt Alexis | 00:25:38 | Team FCH | 49 |
165 | Coulon Stéphane | 00:25:39 | Mamie Loisir EAM 2 | 43 |
166 | Guillin Frédéric | 00:25:39 | Crédit Mutuel | 10 |
167 | Coitou Cyril | 00:25:39 | Mamie Loisir EAM 1 | 42 |
168 | Videira Antonio | 00:25:40 | Fonderie de Matour | 54 |
169 | Rollet Sylvain | 00:25:41 | Café Richard | 75 |
170 | Farjas Philippe | 00:25:42 | Charlieu Cool | 36 |
171 | Borgeot Baptiste | 00:25:42 | Sapeurs-Pompiers Louhans | 24 |
172 | Sall Abdé | 00:25:42 | Actaris 2 | 48 |
173 | Descours David | 00:25:42 | Team FCH | 49 |
174 | Bouiller Yannick | 00:25:43 | Municipaux Gueugnon | 14 |
175 | Blondeau Laurent | 00:25:44 | Mamie Loisir EAM 1 | 42 |
176 | Poncet Elie | 00:25:44 | Charlieu Cool | 36 |
177 | Burnichon Anthony | 00:25:50 | Sapeurs-Pompiers Chauffai | 62 |
178 | Bourdon Olivier | 00:25:51 | Mamie Loisir EAM 2 | 43 |
179 | Naumann Marit | 00:25:51 | Areva Macon | 63 |
180 | Alonso Pascale | 00:25:59 | Actaris 1 | 47 |
181 | Roux Yoanne | 00:26:01 | Rouy Plomberie St Etienne | 74 |
182 | Roubert Xavier | 00:26:01 | Centre Hospitalier Macon | 68 |
183 | Rouvillois Lucie | 00:26:04 | Montceau Triathlon | 37 |
184 | Guyot Gilles | 00:26:05 | Municipaux Gueugnon | 14 |
185 | Peyron Patrick | 00:26:05 | Calor Team 1 | 4 |
186 | Bonin Jean-Charles | 00:26:05 | Claas Macon | 71 |
187 | Bachelet Julien | 00:26:10 | Team FCH | 49 |
188 | Chervet Fabien | 00:26:12 | Pompiers Val Lamartinien | 65 |
189 | Rosnarho Alain | 00:26:15 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 60 |
190 | Loron Pierre | 00:26:16 | Parc Acrobath | 2 |
191 | Berger Aurélien | 00:26:17 | Pompiers Val Lamartinien | 65 |
192 | Djenane Gaëtan | 00:26:17 | Areva Macon | 63 |
193 | Lebon Philippe | 00:26:20 | AS Mérieux 2 | 32 |
194 | Rojon Thierry | 00:26:21 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 33 |
195 | Barbet Jean André | 00:26:23 | Areva Macon | 63 |
196 | Quety Pascal | 00:26:24 | Mille Pattes Macon 1 | 58 |
197 | Battista Marie-Claire | 00:26:26 | Poncet Team Lycée Davayé | 21 |
198 | Bligny Frédéric | 00:26:26 | Fil Elec | 38 |
199 | Bernardet Laurence | 00:26:29 | EAM Caisse d Epargne | 64 |
200 | Jonchet Bruno | 00:26:31 | US Police Macon | 78 |
201 | Rosset Laurent | 00:26:32 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 60 |
202 | Jandin Alain | 00:26:34 | Mamie Loisir EAM 1 | 42 |
203 | Sangouard Arnaud | 00:26:36 | Claas Macon | 71 |
204 | Bousquet Philippe | 00:26:38 | Poncet Team Lycée Davayé | 21 |
205 | Vanacker Yohan | 00:26:42 | Sapeurs-Pompiers Chauffai | 62 |
206 | Rabiej Stéphane | 00:26:42 | Calor Team 2 | 5 |
207 | Perrin Michel | 00:26:43 | Mamie Loisir EAM 2 | 43 |
208 | Danthony Jean | 00:26:43 | Charlieu Cool | 36 |
209 | Janin Daniel | 00:26:46 | Charnay and Co | 82 |
210 | Ferrière Jean-Yves | 00:26:46 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 60 |
211 | Puzenat Sylvain | 00:26:49 | Laboratoire OENO Service | 25 |
212 | Perrot Georges | 00:26:49 | Tennis Club Cluny | 70 |
213 | Alleman Christine | 00:26:49 | EAM Caisse d Epargne | 64 |
214 | Di Pietro Isabelle | 00:26:50 | EAM Sport 2000 | 45 |
215 | Marco David | 00:26:52 | EAM Caisse d Epargne | 64 |
216 | Bajard Laurent | 00:26:54 | Com Chapelle de Guinchay | 67 |
217 | Moura Christophe | 00:26:54 | Sapeurs-Pompiers Louhans | 24 |
218 | Buet Didier | 00:26:55 | Sapeurs-Pompiers Chauffai | 62 |
219 | Virieux Sébastien | 00:26:57 | Photowatt 3 | 53 |
220 | Epenoy Rodolphe | 00:27:01 | Actaris 2 | 48 |
221 | Bailly David | 00:27:04 | Charnay and Co | 82 |
222 | Gadiolet Denis | 00:27:05 | CPC Maximarché | 44 |
223 | Renaud Xavier | 00:27:07 | Les Renauds | 41 |
224 | Pickford John | 00:27:09 | Areva Macon | 63 |
225 | Barry Gilles | 00:27:09 | Vilmorin Potager | 29 |
226 | Negny Vincent | 00:27:11 | Ecole Primaire Prissé | 22 |
227 | Paour Olivier | 00:27:17 | AS Mérieux 1 | 30 |
228 | Charbonnier Michel | 00:27:18 | Mille Pattes Macon 1 | 58 |
229 | Irmann Stéphane | 00:27:22 | Actaris 2 | 48 |
230 | Audart Michel | 00:27:22 | Chalon Endurance | 80 |
231 | Servais Frédéric | 00:27:28 | Poncet Team Lycée Davayé | 21 |
232 | Burgos Jean | 00:27:31 | Eliance Pont Restaurant | 12 |
233 | Wagner Nicolas | 00:27:32 | Areva Macon | 63 |
234 | Olivier Jean Luc | 00:27:34 | Les Renauds | 41 |
235 | Mansar David | 00:27:35 | Crédit Mutuel | 10 |
236 | Frillici Véronique | 00:27:35 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 31 |
237 | Logereau Jean Marie | 00:27:37 | Médiapostien | 16 |
238 | Cebenko Yannick | 00:27:37 | Claas Macon | 71 |
239 | Renaud Sylvain | 00:27:38 | Les Renauds | 41 |
240 | Harter Gérard | 00:27:38 | Mille Pattes Macon 3 | 61 |
241 | Rochat Pascal | 00:27:39 | Calor Team 2 | 5 |
242 | Toutan Frédéric | 00:27:40 | Mamie Loisir EAM 1 | 42 |
243 | Thivolle Alain | 00:27:41 | Centre Hospitalier Macon | 69 |
244 | Perche Alain | 00:27:42 | ASS Imohoro | 8 |
245 | Lacour Christophe | 00:27:44 | Courant-Corelco 09 | 81 |
246 | Demousseau Philippe | 00:27:44 | Sapeurs-Pompiers Louhans | 24 |
247 | Sanson Denis | 00:27:44 | EAM Caisse d Epargne | 64 |
248 | Cornu Jean Michel | 00:27:45 | CPC Maximarché | 44 |
249 | Vallin François | 00:27:45 | Kéolis Lyon Métro | 15 |
250 | Williatte Samuel | 00:27:46 | Photowatt 3 | 53 |
251 | Converset Maurice | 00:27:48 | Mille Pattes Macon 3 | 61 |
252 | Grosbois Sandrine | 00:27:49 | ASS Imohoro | 8 |
253 | Dubois Jean Marc | 00:27:49 | Médiapostien | 16 |
254 | Constantin Jean | 00:27:49 | Club Athlétique Bellegard | 40 |
255 | Rivet Jean-Paul | 00:27:52 | Mille Pattes Macon 2 | 59 |
256 | * * * * * * | 00:27:52 | Courant-Corelco 09 | 81 |
257 | Le Quellec Michel | 00:27:56 | Café Richard | 75 |
258 | Rico Alain | 00:27:56 | Kéolis Lyon Métro | 15 |
259 | Rouve Florent | 00:28:00 | Poncet Team Lycée Davayé | 21 |
260 | Perrin Claude | 00:28:00 | Calor Team 2 | 5 |
261 | Chaintreuil Christophe | 00:28:03 | Médiapostien | 16 |
262 | Da Cruz Victor | 00:28:07 | Mille Pattes Macon 2 | 59 |
263 | Labelli Jérémie | 00:28:08 | Sapeurs-Pompiers Chauffai | 62 |
264 | Lepron Flavien | 00:28:09 | Photowatt 3 | 53 |
265 | Renaud Christelle | 00:28:10 | Les Renauds | 41 |
266 | Bridon Jean-Philippe | 00:28:10 | Claas Macon | 71 |
267 | Kumpf Valérie | 00:28:11 | US Police Macon | 78 |
268 | Soulaire Stéphane | 00:28:11 | Charnay and Co | 82 |
269 | Protte Angelique | 00:28:13 | EAM Sport 2000 | 45 |
270 | Sala Jean Claude | 00:28:18 | Kéolis Lyon Métro | 15 |
271 | Thevenet Jean Claude | 00:28:22 | Mille Pattes Macon 3 | 61 |
272 | Dupont Alain | 00:28:23 | EAM Caisse d Epargne | 64 |
273 | Alévèque Mireille | 00:28:25 | Montceau Triathlon | 37 |
274 | Tramaille Jean-Jacques | 00:28:25 | Tennis Club Cluny | 70 |
275 | Mennessier Anna | 00:28:25 | Charnay and Co | 82 |
276 | Paquelier Gérald | 00:28:29 | Ascade Hommes | 27 |
277 | Kling Agnès | 00:28:30 | CPC Durand Hyper Buro | 66 |
278 | Slim Youssef | 00:28:30 | Paul Sapin | 7 |
279 | Pommier Thierry | 00:28:30 | Paul Sapin | 7 |
280 | Laborieux Pierre Yves | 00:28:35 | ASS Imohoro | 8 |
281 | Morel Denis | 00:28:36 | CPC Maximarché | 44 |
282 | Perez Raphaël | 00:28:36 | AS Mérieux 1 | 30 |
283 | Agostino Patrick | 00:28:37 | Kéolis Lyon Métro | 15 |
284 | Lepeltier Catherine | 00:28:38 | Bailly Sport Macon | 77 |
285 | Sigaud Laurent | 00:28:39 | Photowatt 3 | 53 |
286 | Quattrocchi Olivier | 00:28:40 | Fil Elec | 38 |
287 | Kistermann Jean-Paul | 00:28:41 | Centre Hospitalier Macon | 69 |
288 | Philibert Pascal | 00:28:43 | Charlieu Cool | 36 |
289 | Rouquet Jérôme | 00:28:44 | Fil Elec | 38 |
290 | Skibine Olivier | 00:28:46 | Calor Team SDP | 6 |
291 | Jolivet Christian | 00:28:50 | CPC Maximarché | 44 |
292 | Bastien Olivier | 00:28:53 | Vilmorin Potager | 29 |
293 | They Damien | 00:28:53 | Eliance Pont Restaurant | 12 |
294 | Bayon Denis | 00:28:54 | L Orangerie | 19 |
295 | Longere Alain | 00:28:54 | Kéolis Métro | 13 |
296 | Cheminot Alain | 00:28:57 | Mille Pattes Macon 2 | 59 |
297 | Guillaume Philippe | 00:28:59 | Kéolis Métro | 13 |
298 | Buathier Didier | 00:28:59 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 60 |
299 | Sough Belkhacem | 00:29:00 | Centre Hospitalier Macon | 68 |
300 | Ouroux Adrien | 00:29:01 | Parc Acrobath | 2 |
301 | Pegourie Lilian | 00:29:06 | Fil Elec | 38 |
302 | Balligand Philippe | 00:29:06 | CIC Lyonnaise de banque | 9 |
303 | Catherin Denis | 00:29:07 | Mille Pattes Macon 2 | 59 |
304 | Magnin Christophe | 00:29:08 | L Orangerie | 19 |
305 | Paubel Christophe | 00:29:08 | Fil Elec | 38 |
306 | Renaud Pierre | 00:29:10 | Les Renauds | 41 |
307 | Cottancin Pierre | 00:29:11 | Com Chapelle de Guinchay | 67 |
308 | Capitaine Georges | 00:29:19 | Photowatt 1 | 51 |
309 | Chambon Vincent | 00:29:19 | Calor Team SDP | 6 |
310 | Bertrand Daniel | 00:29:20 | Kéolis Métro | 13 |
311 | Cottancin Myriam | 00:29:20 | Com Chapelle de Guinchay | 67 |
312 | Pochon Véronique | 00:29:21 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 31 |
313 | Comina Elodie | 00:29:22 | AS Mérieux 2 | 32 |
314 | Soubirou Pierre | 00:29:23 | Photowatt 3 | 53 |
315 | Catherin Annick | 00:29:24 | Eliance Mercure | 11 |
316 | Picanon Jean Marc | 00:29:24 | Photowatt 1 | 51 |
317 | Lassalle Bernard | 00:29:27 | Photowatt 1 | 51 |
318 | Colombier Benjamin | 00:29:29 | Mamie Loisir EAM 2 | 43 |
319 | Thollet Alain | 00:29:29 | AS Mérieux 2 | 32 |
320 | Trichard Patrick | 00:29:31 | Com Chapelle de Guinchay | 67 |
321 | Perdrix Arnaud | 00:29:33 | Education Nationale | 18 |
322 | Van Dorp Arie | 00:29:34 | L Orangerie | 19 |
323 | Gonod Stéphane | 00:29:35 | Courant-Corelco 09 | 81 |
324 | Bouclier Jean Luc | 00:29:36 | L Orangerie | 19 |
325 | Chatain Thierry | 00:29:37 | Photowatt 1 | 51 |
326 | Dondin Lilian | 00:29:38 | L Orangerie | 19 |
327 | Chambat Denise | 00:29:39 | Vahinés de Charlieu | 34 |
328 | Myard Thierry | 00:29:41 | Charlieu Cool | 36 |
329 | Perrin Anne Laure | 00:29:43 | Mamie Loisir EAM 1 | 42 |
330 | Roux Véronique | 00:29:49 | Amicale laïque Tramayes | 23 |
331 | Pons Florence | 00:29:52 | Les Filles Cafés Richard | 79 |
332 | Chapuis Jean Philippe | 00:29:52 | Charnay and Co | 82 |
333 | Petitlaurent Eric | 00:29:54 | CIC Lyonnaise de banque | 9 |
334 | Patru Jean-Michel | 00:29:58 | Centre Hospitalier Macon | 69 |
335 | Picod Sophie | 00:29:58 | Poncet Team Lycée Davayé | 21 |
336 | Pont Chrystele | 00:29:58 | Médiapostien | 16 |
337 | Boulain Carole | 00:29:59 | Mille Pattes Macon Filles | 57 |
338 | Vacheron Xavier | 00:30:00 | Calor Team SDP | 6 |
339 | Piot Laurent | 00:30:07 | Vilmorin Potager | 29 |
340 | Bertrand Lise | 00:30:08 | Les Filles Cafés Richard | 79 |
341 | Atthalin Laurent | 00:30:09 | Café Richard | 75 |
342 | Veigner Sylvain | 00:30:10 | Eliance Mercure | 11 |
343 | Da Cruz Chantal | 00:30:14 | Mille Pattes Macon Filles | 57 |
344 | Mourgues Corine | 00:30:17 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 31 |
345 | Forest Alain | 00:30:19 | Tennis Club Cluny | 70 |
346 | Auclerc André | 00:30:19 | Com Chapelle de Guinchay | 67 |
347 | Soulignac Jean-Pierre | 00:30:22 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 60 |
348 | Paour Valérie | 00:30:24 | AS Mérieux 2 | 32 |
349 | Esquis Philippe | 00:30:24 | Centre Hospitalier Macon | 69 |
350 | Madon Frédérick | 00:30:25 | Photowatt 3 | 53 |
351 | Guibert Frédéric | 00:30:30 | Club Athlétique Bellegard | 40 |
352 | Rebreyend Robin | 00:30:34 | Sapeurs-Pompiers Louhans | 24 |
353 | Juhem Roland | 00:30:35 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 60 |
354 | Collomb Emmanuelle | 00:30:36 | Actaris 2 | 48 |
355 | Catala Cyril | 00:30:36 | Café Richard 2 | 76 |
356 | Leborne Daniel | 00:30:38 | Mille Pattes Macon 1 | 58 |
357 | Croisier Sonia | 00:30:42 | Bailly Sport Macon | 77 |
358 | Theveneau Séverine | 00:30:45 | Montceau Triathlon | 37 |
359 | Keuffer François | 00:30:46 | Education Nationale | 18 |
360 | Houbloup Jean Michel | 00:30:47 | Chalon Endurance | 80 |
361 | Avogadro Gaétan | 00:30:50 | Courant-Corelco 09 | 81 |
362 | Chatard Olivier | 00:30:50 | Café Richard 2 | 76 |
363 | Berthelon Jean-Luc | 00:30:51 | Pompiers Val Lamartinien | 65 |
364 | Bayon Sylviane | 00:30:52 | Profil Sport | 20 |
365 | Zwisler David | 00:30:56 | Actaris 2 | 48 |
366 | Bodio Josy | 00:30:57 | Viriat Marathon 2 | 56 |
367 | Lovato Jean Pierre | 00:30:58 | Ecole Primaire Prissé | 22 |
368 | Guillaud Annick | 00:30:58 | Amicale laïque Tramayes | 23 |
369 | Roussillon Xavier | 00:30:59 | Pompiers Val Lamartinien | 65 |
370 | Lefranc Daniel | 00:31:00 | Mille Pattes Macon 3 | 61 |
371 | Berthelin Laurent | 00:31:00 | Eliance Mercure | 11 |
372 | Thimonnier Nathalie | 00:31:01 | Charlieu Cool | 36 |
373 | Pautet Franck | 00:31:03 | Calor Team 2 | 5 |
374 | Nehlig Pierre | 00:31:05 | Ascade Hommes | 27 |
375 | De Medts Florence | 00:31:05 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 31 |
376 | Andrevon François | 00:31:07 | Sapeurs-Pompiers Chauffai | 62 |
377 | Berthier Aurore | 00:31:07 | Vahinés de Charlieu | 34 |
378 | Bourcier Tim | 00:31:10 | Amicale laïque Tramayes | 23 |
379 | Ferrero Laurence | 00:31:12 | Ascade Filles | 26 |
380 | Durier Serge | 00:31:15 | Vilmorin Potager | 29 |
381 | Chollet Thierry | 00:31:16 | Kéolis Métro | 13 |
382 | Negny Virginie | 00:31:17 | Amicale laïque Tramayes | 23 |
383 | Emorine Lysette | 00:31:19 | Montceau Triathlon | 37 |
384 | Guilleminot Corinne | 00:31:20 | Mille Pattes Macon Filles | 57 |
385 | Corsin Isabelle | 00:31:21 | Profil Sport | 20 |
386 | Raichon-Patru Géraldine | 00:31:22 | Centre Hospitalier Macon | 69 |
387 | Pellet Pilar | 00:31:22 | Calor Team 2 | 5 |
388 | Larepe Laurent | 00:31:23 | Tennis Club Cluny | 70 |
389 | Pic Anne-Sophie | 00:31:24 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 31 |
390 | Grosclaude Bertrand | 00:31:27 | Club Athlétique Bellegard | 40 |
391 | Joseph Nathalie | 00:31:29 | Ecole Primaire Prissé | 22 |
392 | Curt Nathalie | 00:31:31 | Viriat Marathon 2 | 56 |
393 | Boureille Pascal | 00:31:34 | L Orangerie | 19 |
394 | Jacquetin Agnès | 00:31:35 | Vahinés de Charlieu | 34 |
395 | Menetrier Claude | 00:31:35 | Tennis Club Cluny | 70 |
396 | Pech Jérôme | 00:31:36 | Mille Pattes Macon 2 | 59 |
397 | Lardet Eric | 00:31:36 | Mille Pattes Macon 1 | 58 |
398 | Fauvet Marie | 00:31:36 | Amicale laïque Tramayes | 23 |
399 | Miazza Valérie | 00:31:37 | Club Athlétique Bellegard | 40 |
400 | Wanyowitch Cécile | 00:31:42 | Café Richard 2 | 76 |
401 | Griffon Josette | 00:31:43 | US Police Macon | 78 |
402 | Coldonat Marie Thérèse | 00:31:43 | Viriat Marathon 2 | 56 |
403 | Rochat Nadine | 00:31:46 | Calor Team 2 | 5 |
404 | Richard Isabelle | 00:31:48 | Parc Acrobath | 2 |
405 | Cevrero Eric | 00:31:49 | Vilmorin Potager | 29 |
406 | Joubert Anne-Laure | 00:31:50 | Corcy Endurance Eclat de | 31 |
407 | Couvelard Régis | 00:31:55 | Club Athlétique Bellegard | 40 |
408 | Parratte Catherine | 00:31:56 | Calor Team SDP | 6 |
409 | Deporte Marcel | 00:32:01 | Charlieu One | 35 |
410 | Chemin Patrick | 00:32:03 | Chalon Endurance | 80 |
411 | Ollier Lionel | 00:32:03 | Ascade Hommes | 27 |
412 | Abdelkader Ganoun | 00:32:04 | Courant-Corelco 09 | 81 |
413 | Myard Martine | 00:32:04 | Vahinés de Charlieu | 34 |
414 | Pollet Jean-François | 00:32:06 | Mille Pattes Macon 2 | 59 |
415 | Feige Corinne | 00:32:08 | AS Mérieux 2 | 32 |
416 | Ruy Nathalie | 00:32:10 | Vahinés de Charlieu | 34 |
417 | Chevalier Laurence | 00:32:13 | Vilmorin Belles Fleurs | 28 |
418 | Chevrin Rudy | 00:32:14 | Rouy Plomberie St Etienne | 74 |
419 | Meyrand Odile | 00:32:14 | Eliance Pont Restaurant | 12 |
420 | Montenoise Fanny | 00:32:20 | Team FCH | 49 |
421 | Mercier Marie Laure | 00:32:21 | Vilmorin Belles Fleurs | 28 |
422 | M Hadeb Hollmi | 00:32:24 | Kéolis Lyon Métro | 15 |
423 | Ripoll Benoit | 00:32:24 | Eliance Mercure | 11 |
424 | Guichard Ghislaine | 00:32:43 | Ascade Filles | 26 |
425 | Dupont Catherine | 00:32:44 | EAM Caisse d Epargne | 64 |
426 | Constantin Nathalie | 00:32:48 | Club Athlétique Bellegard | 40 |
427 | Bressand Amélie | 00:32:52 | Team FCH | 49 |
428 | Neri Paul | 00:32:55 | AS Mérieux 2 | 32 |
429 | Haouchine Zohra | 00:32:56 | Vilmorin Belles Fleurs | 28 |
430 | Dumont Nathalie | 00:32:57 | Montceau Triathlon | 37 |
431 | Renaud Martine | 00:32:58 | Les Renauds | 41 |
432 | Bourgeois Naïs | 00:33:14 | Ecole Primaire Prissé | 22 |
433 | Nivet Marie | 00:33:19 | Mamie Loisir EAM 2 | 43 |
434 | Patissier Pascale | 00:33:20 | CIC Lyonnaise de banque | 9 |
435 | Toutan Julie | 00:33:21 | Parc Acrobath | 2 |
436 | Sallet Christelle | 00:33:21 | Viriat Marathon 2 | 56 |
437 | Magnin Sylvie | 00:33:25 | Profil Sport | 20 |
438 | Armanet Christelle | 00:33:25 | Photowatt 2 | 52 |
439 | Toutan Anne Marie | 00:33:27 | Mamie Loisir EAM 1 | 42 |
440 | Forest Chrystel | 00:33:29 | Profil Sport | 20 |
441 | Nillon Véronique | 00:33:34 | Mille Pattes Macon Filles | 57 |
442 | Pegon Arnaud | 00:33:35 | Médiapostien | 16 |
443 | Herman Myriam | 00:33:38 | Café Richard 2 | 76 |
444 | Langillier Monique | 00:33:47 | Mille Pattes Macon Filles | 57 |
445 | Fister Marie-Jo | 00:33:48 | Centre Hospitalier Macon | 69 |
446 | Viard Anne | 00:34:00 | Mamie Loisir EAM 2 | 43 |
447 | Cellie Cédric | 00:34:06 | Eliance Pont Restaurant | 12 |
448 | Bongain Sophie | 00:34:07 | Paul Sapin | 7 |
449 | Lahaire Anthony | 00:34:14 | Vilmorin Potager | 29 |
450 | N guyen Patrick | 00:34:15 | Kéolis Métro | 13 |
451 | Favier Marie Agnes | 00:34:21 | Viriat Marathon 2 | 56 |
452 | Desbottes Anne Marie | 00:34:24 | CIC Lyonnaise de banque | 9 |
453 | Lacombe Nathalie | 00:34:29 | Viriat Marathon 2 | 56 |
454 | Alévèque Caroline | 00:34:30 | Montceau Triathlon | 37 |
455 | Grandgirard Julie | 00:34:37 | Sapeurs-Pompiers Louhans | 24 |
456 | Barlet Agnès | 00:34:43 | Vilmorin Belles Fleurs | 28 |
457 | Texier Corinne | 00:34:43 | Ascade Filles | 26 |
458 | Coste Albert Barbara | 00:34:49 | Photowatt 2 | 52 |
459 | Chizelle Martial | 00:34:50 | Paul Sapin | 7 |
460 | Pereira Françoise | 00:34:55 | Les Filles Cafés Richard | 79 |
461 | Van Dorp Géraldine | 00:34:55 | Profil Sport | 20 |
462 | Guinault Sylvie | 00:34:58 | Ascade Filles | 26 |
463 | Vernay Sandrine | 00:34:58 | Médiapostien | 16 |
464 | Chevenet Nathalie | 00:34:59 | Profil Sport | 20 |
465 | Monnet Hélène | 00:35:13 | Photowatt 2 | 52 |
466 | Dubreuil Sylvie | 00:35:14 | Bailly Sport Macon | 77 |
467 | Deman Valérie | 00:35:20 | Eliance Pont Restaurant | 12 |
468 | Rolland Martine | 00:35:23 | Vilmorin Belles Fleurs | 28 |
469 | Masse Béatrice | 00:35:26 | Eliance Pont Restaurant | 12 |
470 | Decours Sandrine | 00:35:46 | Ascade Filles | 26 |
471 | Ribeiro Mireille | 00:35:50 | CIC Lyonnaise de banque | 9 |
472 | Carneiro Mickaël | 00:35:50 | Rouy Plomberie St Etienne | 74 |
473 | Wiart Roxane | 00:35:53 | Eliance Mercure | 11 |
474 | Fangeat Chrislène | 00:35:56 | Photowatt 2 | 52 |
475 | Pacrot Stéphane | 00:35:58 | Rouy Plomberie St Etienne | 74 |
476 | Roche Isabelle | 00:36:17 | Les Filles Cafés Richard | 79 |
477 | Fereyre Régis | 00:36:18 | Calor Team SDP | 6 |
478 | Chanut Stéphane | 00:36:23 | Café Richard 2 | 76 |
479 | Anglade Virginie | 00:36:33 | Photowatt 2 | 52 |
480 | Lagniel Aude | 00:36:36 | Education Nationale | 18 |
481 | Berry Marie-Jo | 00:36:37 | Vahinés de Charlieu | 34 |
482 | Foucher Anne | 00:36:59 | Vilmorin Belles Fleurs | 28 |
483 | Perrachon Ludivine | 00:37:20 | Amicale laïque Tramayes | 23 |
484 | Joseph Rachel | 00:37:26 | Les Filles Cafés Richard | 79 |
485 | Laranjeira Laurence | 00:37:46 | Calor Team SDP | 6 |
486 | Trouillot Aline | 00:37:53 | Ascade Filles | 26 |
487 | Mariteau Josiane | 00:38:03 | Photowatt 2 | 52 |
488 | Rousseau Agnès | 00:38:09 | Education Nationale | 18 |
489 | Tuinder Bénédicte | 00:38:10 | Com Chapelle de Guinchay | 67 |
490 | Do Nascimento Laurence | 00:38:41 | Poncet Team Lycée Davayé | 21 |
491 | Joseph Vanina | 00:39:01 | Les Filles Cafés Richard | 79 |
492 | Carette Sébastien | 00:39:30 | Café Richard 2 | 76 |